Downloads & Music
Shareable Downloads & Music* Links
As with all of our PEP (Parent Engagement Pages), we will be adding to them each week. We love sharing great resources as well as music & videos our kids can have fun with. *Please take caution with music links which are shared from YouTube if your settings allow for an automatic "next video play".
If you have downloads or music you would like us to share, please email us and we will add them to our page!
Opuestos - Dr. Jean Feldman - Olé Olé
Coco En Su Río - CantaJuego
Camion - Trepsi - A cantar
La Vaca Lola - Las Gatitas
Juan Paco Pedro dela Mar - Grupo Cantaro
Sol Solecito - grupo colorines
Había un Sapo - Atención Atención
El Baile de la Fruta - Pica-Pica
Mi Mama Es Panadora
Digo si - Trepsi
Soy una Taza - CantaJuego
Chuchuwa, Canciones infantiles
¡Hola Amiguitos! - Despertando las Neuronas
El Baile de los Animales - El Reino Infantil
Zum Zum Zum 🐝La Abejita
Una Mosca Parada en la Pared
Incy Wincy Spider Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics
Insect Song
5 Senses Music Video
5 Senses - Taste (English)
5 Senses (English)
Los Cinco Sentidos - Barney El Camion (Spanish)