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3 - 5 year olds - Sea Life
Children will learn and explore ocean life and sea animals.
Spanish Conversation
Fui al mar y vi un delfín saltando. I went to the sea and saw a dolphin jumping.
Yo vi una ballena, y estaba soplando agua. I saw a whale, and it was blowing water.
mar (sea) olas (waves) estrella de mar (starfish) delfín (dolphin) ballena (whale) pulpo (octopus) tiburón (shark) cangrejo (crab) pez (fish)
- Practice patterning using different types and sizes of seashells.
- Using a marker, write a number and draw the amount of waves. Count gold fish and place one on each wave to match the number.
- Number recognition 1-10: Number fish cut outs and place in numeric order.
- Place numbered fish on the floor. Encourage sitting on the number called out.
- How big are sea animals? Using a measuring tape or string compare and describe different sizes.
Science / Sensory
- Place a blue plastic table cloth or sheet on the floor and pretend it’s the ocean. Use an upside down table, box or card board and pretend it’s a boat. Place sea creatures “in the ocean water”. Invite your child to imagine the ocean and all the sea animals.
-Discuss how the ocean water is salty and why.
-Salt water egg experiment: Place water a container and mix in a good amount of salt. Place an egg into the container. Ask if the egg will sink or float.
- Talk about the Dead Sea and how it has so much salt no animals or plants can live there and humans float.
- Observe how the sun’s strong rays make colors fade. Place a cut dolphin out (or other) onto a blue piece of paper using a glue stick. Put in the sun for a few hours. Then remove the cut out from the paper. The cut out area will be dark and the area around it which was exposed will be light.
-Cut simple fish from sponge and place in water. Using a clothespin, encourage children to “fish”. Using a timer, see how many fish can be caught in a certain amount of time. Opening and closing the clothespin will develop fine motor strength.
- Follow dotted lines to trace curved lines which look like ocean waves. Then cut out/glue or boats sailing on the waves.
-Practice tracing vocabulary words.
-Teach how to draw a basic fish and practice.
-Punch holes around two cut out paper fish. Lace them using string. Before tying, fill the fish with tissue paper.
-Review and practice writing first names.
-Practice letter A and E.