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Past Activities

Here you will find all our past activities and resources. It offers past information that is resourceful and that can make the learning process that little bit easier. You will be able to keep sharing with your child all these activities that they enjoyed! 

3 - 5 year olds  - Life Cycles - May 18th - May 22th

Children will explore and sequence the life cycles of frogs, butterflies, chicks, & plants.

Spanish Conversation

Cuál es el ciclo de vida de ___ ___________? (humano, animal, o de una planta)

What is the life cycle of ___ ___________? (human, animal or plant)

Use sequencing words to describe life cycles. (Primero, luego, al final) First, then finally)



Ciclo (cycle)

Vida (life)

Metamorfosis (metamorphosis)

Nacer (born)

Crecer (grow)

Bebé (baby)

Adolescente (adolescent)

Adulto (adult)

Anciano (elder)


- Have your child choose a life cycle, draw it, and color it.

-Practice writing first name. Check the use of uppercase and lowercase letters as well as strokes.

-Create vowels with play dough.


- Create a puzzle chick: Draw a chick, cut out pieces to create a puzzle. Have your child glue them together and decorate with feathers and eggshell pieces.


- Sequence Life Cycles.

- Play games to review left and right.

- Symmetry: Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw and cut out a symmetrical image. Introduce whole and half. Use drawings, shapes and even real fruit like oranges to explain. Enjoy eating the fruit afterwards.

- Place some beans in a bag and form into groups of ten.

Science / Sensory

- Place beans in cotton balls and care for them by keeping them moist, in a sunny place. Learn about the life cycle of a pinto bean plant.

- Playing with shadows . Show how to make a shadow turtle. Shine a bight light on a wall and hold one hand between the two. Make a fist to create the turtle’s shell and stick out your thumb to create the head.

- Discuss the life cycle of a tree, a chick, a turtle, a person, a frog, a butterfly, etc. - Turtle snack: spread softened cream cheese on a bread circle. Cut kiwi fruit into 1/4 slices and remove the brown peel. Place kiwi on the bread for the turtle shell, add raisins for a head, and a tail with four legs.

-Paint paper plates green to create turtle shells to wear.


 Check out our Downloads & Music page more fun songs!

Saludo de las Ranitas

Dos ranitas tengo, muy lejos están.

Se acercan saltando, se van a saludar.

Plop, Plop, Plop.

Ranita café, cómo está usted?

Muy bien rana verde y usted está bien?

Los niños contentos y sin novedad.

Y su enfermo, cómo está?

Aliviado está ya.

Me voy rana me voy yo Adiós.


Life Cycle of a Frog - Song

There Was a Little Turtle - Song

May 11th - May 15st

 Fairy Tale and Folk Tales 


Children will enter the world of fantasy and legend & transform into princes and princesses, creating magic wands & finger puppets. Expand vocabulary by retelling stories, writing and drawing their own versions

Spanish Conversation

Había una vez…

Once Upon a time…
Qué pasó al principio?

What happened in the beginning?
Qué pasó al final del cuento?

What happened at the end of the story?

Describe the characters of a story.

Retell stories.

cuento (story)

personage (character)

principio (beginning)

final (end)

castillo (castle)

rey (king)

reina (queen)

princesa (princess)

príncipe (prince)

ada (fairy)

varita mágica (magic wand)


- Create & decorate crowns by gluing 10 colored jewels on it.

- Pattern colored plastic jewels.

- Create a simple map numbered to 10 to follow and find a “treasure” you have hidden in a special place.

- Use ordinal numbers when retelling events of a story. (First, second, primero, segundo, etc.)

- Using play dough, help make numbers 1-10.

- Provide numbers 1 -10 and invite to place them in numerical order.

- Group beans by ten. (Story of Jack & the Bean Stalk).

Science / Sensory

- Act out with stories. (Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks & 3 Bears, Little Red Riding Hood)
- Take colored plastic “jewels” and place them where sun shines. Observe their color.
- Create castles and ginger bread man using play dough.
- After reading the story about the “Little Red Hen”, talk about how bread is made, where it comes from and importance of farms and farmers that produce grains.
- Create magic wands using craft sticks, ribbons and glitter.
- Make bear masks.
-Stamp & color the sequence of the story about the 3 Little Pigs.
- Using masking tape or string, mark an obstacle course for children to make their way to grandma’s house of “Little Red Riding Hood”


- Practice printing upper and lowercase letters “Y”.

- Demonstrate how lower “y” goes under the line.

- Invite childern to observe the alphabet and name other lowercase letters that go under the line (q, p, j, y)

- Practice writing and drawing pictographic sentences.

- Practice printing numbers 1-10.

- Invite children to draw pictures of vocabulary words.

May 4th - May 8st

 Cultures of the World


Children will explore foreign cultures and learn about customs, language, music, food, and dress.

Spanish Conversation

De qué país eres?

Soy de ______.
Qué idioma hablas?

Hablo ______.

País (country)

Idioma (language)

Ropa (clothes)

Comida (food)

Música (music)

Gente (people)

mapa (map)


- Trace number 10

Counting activities: Count 10 jumps, then twirl and change to claps, clapping 10 times. Repeat. 

Have fun counting to 10 in other languages. 

Science / Sensory

- Discuss temperatures around the world. Where is it hotter or colder?


- Discuss a little about the equator and the North & South poles.

- Day & Night experiment: Using a flashlight and globe, show why day and night occur. Demonstrate how the earth rotates tilted on its axis, and orbits around the sun.

Art (1):

- Create flags of countries you are learning about.
- Make crafts that are typical of a country: Example, Chinese lamps, Mexican hats, Australian koalas/kangaroos, etc.


- Discuss letter and its sound in English and Spanish.

- Practice writing numbers 1-10
Use chalk to write numbers freely outside with chalk.

April 27th - May 1st

 Earth & Environment


Children will explore the natural world and learn about ways they can help protect it. They will discover the importance of trees, air, and water to all life. They will learn about reducing, reusing & recycling.

Spanish Conversation

Cómo cuidamos nuestro medio ambiente?
How do we take care of our environment?
Reducimos, reusamos y reciclamos.
We reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Ponemos la basura el su lugar.
We put the garbage in its place.
Cuidamos el agua.
We take care of the water.



mundo (world)

medio ambiente (enviornment) reciclar (recycle)

basura (trash)

contaminacíon (pollution)

bosque (forest)

árbol (tree)


-Use photo cards to learn about different environments. Talk about the animals and plants that live there.

-Tree talk. Discuss the importance of trees and encourage to plant a tree.

-Have a picnic outside. Purposely leave trash on the ground. Stand back and discuss how it looks. Then invite children to pick up the trash.

-Cut out a blue circle to represent the world. Paint hands green and press the hand on the circle to represent land.

-Read the story "If a Tree Could Talk" encourage creating costumes and acting out the story.

Science / Sensory

-Create a lake and fish with construction paper. Use fish to count, add, and subtract to 9.


- Review left and right. Say a simple rhyme like "Left Hand, Right Hand" and sing the "Hokey Pokey" song for extra practice.


- Add and subtract with a math tree out of brown construction paper, attaching green leaves. Collect & count soda cans until you reach a goal, then recycle!

- Collect twigs on a nature walk. Prompt to arrange them in order from the shortest to the longest.


-Trace upper and lowercase letter U, using fingertip dipped into paint and also colored pencils.


-Place flour in a tray and practice writing letters, name and numbers with fingertip.


-Prace making wave lines, whare are like letter u's put togther.


-Draw with chalk outside.

April 20th - April 24th

 Insects & Spiders


Children will learn insects & spiders by observing them through magnifying glasses and discuss how they help our gardens. They will be introduced to the metamorphosis of butterflies. *Consider purchasing the butterfly kit from the Amazon Resource page for an interactive experience at home! 

Spanish Conversation

Qué hizo (la mariposa)? (the name of the insect)

La (la mariposa) voló.

(se paró, se acostó, comió, se durmió, formó, un capullo) 


insecto (insect) araña (spider) escarbajo (beetle) catepillar (oruga) mariposa (butterfuly) hormiga (ant)

Vowels: a, e, i, o, u


- Practice writing numbers 1-9 in a tray filled with rice, and on a paper. - Using pictures, count and compare the amount of feet on insects and spiders.

- Count and create groups of 9 objects.

- Subtraction: Practice using objects in a bag, putting in and taking them out - using subtraction each time. 

Science / Sensory

- Observe insects in books & on the computer. Capture insects & place them in habitat to observe using a magnifying glass, then release them.

- Explain the differences between insects & spiders. (insects have 3 body parts, 6 feet/spiders have 8).

- Name & describe insects using photos, discuss ways insects help gardens.

- Learn the different stages of the caterpillar and metamorphosis.

- *Check out more projects on our activity blog.


- Identify the letter U. Search for letter U on food labels.

- Create tissue paper balls using fingertip and glue them on the letter U

- Trace the letter U

- Practice tracing words that begin with U

- Practice writing letter U with the fingertip, in a tray filled with rice.

- Continue the practice of saying the alphabet using jump rope. (Jumping rope requires coordination so practice when possible)

April 14th - April 18th

 Growing Things


Children can experience "growing things" by planting a seed, caring for it and observing how it grows. They can learn that plants need soil, water and sunlight to grow. 

Spanish Conversation

Siembro la semilla. I plant the seed.

Riego la semilla/planta. I water the seed/plant.

La planta crece. The plant grows. 


tierra (soil)  semilla (seed)  planta (plant)   hoja (leaf)  flor (flower)  sol (sun)  agua (water)


- Cut construction paper little flowers to use for counting, adding, subtracting and patterning. 

- Measure the growth of your plants using a ruler.

- Create garden bingo. Cut a paper pot and write numbers 1-8. Call out a number and place a seed on it. 

-Mix 4 seeds (or beans) and set out four pots to sort seeds in each pot.

Science / Sensory

- Plant a fast-growing seed such as lentil or bean in soil or container. Place in a sunny area.

- Fill a container with seeds & hide small objects in them inviting your child to find them. 

- Leaf painting: Use rosemary branches to paint. 

- Use a magnifier to examine seeds, leaves, etc.

- Examine & discuss fruits and vegetables in your home. 


- Trace letter O and glue seeds (or beans) on it. 

- Cut pictures of objects that begin with O

- Practice writing numbers 1-8

- Take a jump rope outside and practice saying the alphabet. (Jumping rope requires coordination so practice when possible)

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