3 - 5 year olds - Life Cycles - May 18th - May 22th
Children will explore and sequence the life cycles of frogs, butterflies, chicks, & plants.
Spanish Conversation
Cuál es el ciclo de vida de ___ ___________? (humano, animal, o de una planta)
What is the life cycle of ___ ___________? (human, animal or plant)
Use sequencing words to describe life cycles. (Primero, luego, al final) First, then finally)
Ciclo (cycle)
Vida (life)
Metamorfosis (metamorphosis)
Nacer (born)
Crecer (grow)
Bebé (baby)
Adolescente (adolescent)
Adulto (adult)
Anciano (elder)
- Have your child choose a life cycle, draw it, and color it.
-Practice writing first name. Check the use of uppercase and lowercase letters as well as strokes.
-Create vowels with play dough.
- Create a puzzle chick: Draw a chick, cut out pieces to create a puzzle. Have your child glue them together and decorate with feathers and eggshell pieces.
- Sequence Life Cycles.
- Play games to review left and right.
- Symmetry: Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw and cut out a symmetrical image. Introduce whole and half. Use drawings, shapes and even real fruit like oranges to explain. Enjoy eating the fruit afterwards.
- Place some beans in a bag and form into groups of ten.
Science / Sensory
- Place beans in cotton balls and care for them by keeping them moist, in a sunny place. Learn about the life cycle of a pinto bean plant.
- Playing with shadows . Show how to make a shadow turtle. Shine a bight light on a wall and hold one hand between the two. Make a fist to create the turtle’s shell and stick out your thumb to create the head.
- Discuss the life cycle of a tree, a chick, a turtle, a person, a frog, a butterfly, etc. - Turtle snack: spread softened cream cheese on a bread circle. Cut kiwi fruit into 1/4 slices and remove the brown peel. Place kiwi on the bread for the turtle shell, add raisins for a head, and a tail with four legs.
-Paint paper plates green to create turtle shells to wear.
Check out our Downloads & Music page more fun songs!
Saludo de las Ranitas
Dos ranitas tengo, muy lejos están.
Se acercan saltando, se van a saludar.
Plop, Plop, Plop.
Ranita café, cómo está usted?
Muy bien rana verde y usted está bien?
Los niños contentos y sin novedad.
Y su enfermo, cómo está?
Aliviado está ya.
Me voy rana me voy yo Adiós.
Life Cycle of a Frog - Song
There Was a Little Turtle - Song
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